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Whatever you want men to do for you, do the same for them

VS     O   E   U   R   S       P   O   U   R       I     E       S   E   NOT   E   G   AT   I

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James, initiator of the project, loves travelling. It's not  yet that in retirement she has the opportunity  to go to Senegal in 2010 and that she can realize one of her teenage dreams of going to  meets African children in need, by carrying out a mission in a nursery in  M’BOUR.  

After a busy professional life, she can then make many round trips  during the year and  befriends the locals. Being sensitive to  many needs of  population, she tries to help as much as she can at first to then create the association  Hearts for Senegal in 2019.  She then joins Isabelle and Mireille who wish to assist her actively and together they  organize themselves to find funding to carry out several projects that are close to their hearts. 

NOT  O  S   GOES  I  E  U  R   S

Our values are:

  • Solidarity

  • The sharing

  • Friendship

  • Brotherhood

  • Freedom

  • Hope


The purpose of the Cœurs pour le Sénégal association is to help disadvantaged populations in the Nianing region of Senegal by carrying out several distinct actions:

  • Food and material aid (nursery, families)

  • Help with schooling (Ecole de Roff)

  • Health aid (Roff health post)

  • Development aid (Gie Culture and Roff solidarity)

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President of the association, she organizes and supervises projects and actions on site.


-  Mireille  

Treasurer, she oversees the proper management of the association and actively participates in its actions.

- Isabella  

She is in charge of communication and events .

- AWA, our mascot

Offered during a donation, it participates fully in the life of the association by making us follow its adventures. Very popular with children, it has become essential

AT  VS  T  AU  I  I  T  ES   R ecent
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